Commento: | OpenWebRX APRS gateway |
Località: | 51°39.45' N 3°56.06' W - locatore IO81AP77VT - mostra mappa 1.6 km Nord direzione 18° da Landore, City and County of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom [?] 4.1 km Nord direzione 9° da Swansea, City and County of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom 55.7 km Ovest direzione 291° da Cardiff, City and County of Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom 95.1 km Ovest direzione 284° da Bristol, City of Bristol, England, United Kingdom |
Ultima localita': | 2025-02-11 14:55:55 UTC (1h13m fa) 2025-02-11 14:55:55 GMT orario locale a Landore, United Kingdom [?] |
Ultima telemetria: | 2022-11-08 20:28:02 UTC (825d 19h41m fa) 2022-11-08 20:28:02 GMT orario locale a Landore, United Kingdom [?] |
Valore: | Channel 1: 100 (TLM: 100 EQN: 0,1,0) Channel 2: 48 (TLM: 48 EQN: 0,1,0) Channel 3: 2 (TLM: 2 EQN: 0,1,0) Channel 4: 128 (TLM: 128 EQN: 0,1,0) Channel 5: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0) |
Bit sense: | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (BITS: 11111111) |