Nominativo: | 316038714 |
Numero MMSI: | 316038714 |
Classe Natante: | Pleasure (37) |
Località: | 49°16.25' N 123°08.23' W - locatore CN89KG34NX - mostra mappa 1.7 miles NordOvest direzione 331° da Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada [?] 4.4 miles SudOvest direzione 224° da North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 18.1 miles NordOvest direzione 309° da Surrey, British Columbia, Canada |
Ultima localita': | 2025-02-01 02:33:11 EST (5m50s fa) 2025-01-31 23:33:11 PST orario locale a Vancouver, Canada [?] |
Corso: | 360° – orientamento 211° |
Velocità: | 0 MPH |
Ultimo percorso: | 316038714>ais via VE7KA |
Numero posizioni memorizzate: | 609 |
nominativo | distanza | ultimo ascolto - EST | nominativo | distanza | ultimo ascolto - EST | |||
RAMBUNXIOUS | 13.4 yards 68° | 2025-02-01 02:26:13 | UNFINISHED BUSINESS | 28.2 yards 343° | 2025-01-19 12:52:46 | |||
HENRIETTA | 30.5 yards 199° | 2025-01-19 19:41:45 | ZULU5 | 34.4 yards 213° | 2025-01-11 14:59:14 | |||
MEMORY BANK | 38.8 yards 348° | 2025-01-29 13:02:33 | DELTA LIFEBOAT | 44.5 yards 288° | 2025-01-31 20:26:09 | |||
TARN | 59.3 yards 314° | 2025-01-31 19:40:00 | STELLA LUNA | 60.3 yards 282° | 2025-01-16 17:26:09 | |||
STORYTELLER | 63.2 yards 293° | 2025-01-31 20:19:43 | MARQUESA | 66.4 yards 339° | 2025-02-01 02:32:07 | |||
NAVIGATOR | 74.1 yards 295° | 2025-01-28 16:14:25 | OBSIDIAN TIDES | 84.9 yards 320° | 2025-01-20 15:50:14 | |||
RECOVERY 87 | 85.7 yards 314° | 2025-01-30 20:24:03 | MV HAPPINESS II | 110.8 yards 306° | 2025-01-28 10:32:57 | |||
PACIFIC SENTINEL | 119.3 yards 303° | 2025-01-29 18:46:20 | BLUEBIRD | 132.5 yards 303° | 2025-01-20 16:55:46 | |||
147.1 yards 341° | 2025-01-27 18:07:22 | BREATH OF THE WILD | 153.0 yards 332° | 2025-01-28 21:22:07 | ||||
COBALT | 168.7 yards 341° | 2025-01-09 14:56:47 | COLD FISH | 204.9 yards 321° | 2025-02-01 02:38:01 |