Nominativo: | WDA8350 |
Numero MMSI: | 366853410 |
Dati navigazione: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Classe Natante: | Passenger (60) |
Destinazione: | FERRY TERMINALS |
Località: | 40°42.68' N 74°02.60' W - locatore FN20XR40TQ - mostra mappa 2.0 miles Ovest direzione 264° da New York City, New York, United States [?] 2.3 miles Sud direzione 194° da Hoboken, Hudson County, New Jersey, United States 6.5 miles NordOvest direzione 311° da Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States |
Ultima localita': | 2025-01-29 09:55:18 EST (1h53m fa) 2025-01-29 09:55:18 EST orario locale a New York City, United States [?] |
Corso: | 273° – orientamento 511° |
Velocità: | 0 MPH |
Dimensioni: | lunghezza 21 m larghezza 6 m pescaggio 2.0 m |
Ultimo percorso: | WDA8350>ais via K2XAP |
Numero posizioni memorizzate: | 26114 |
nominativo | distanza | ultimo ascolto - EST | nominativo | distanza | ultimo ascolto - EST | |||
SV HANAVAVE@@@@@@@@@ | 114.3 yards 138° | 2025-01-29 10:51:31 | ROBIN VI@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 121.0 yards 138° | 2025-01-29 10:55:52 | |||
WING IT@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 134.6 yards 212° | 2025-01-29 11:24:56 | LOONASEA | 149.0 yards 176° | 2025-01-01 05:02:10 | |||
SKY`S THE LIMIT@@@@@ | 157.3 yards 80° | 2025-01-29 11:46:39 | DOLPHIN III | 161.0 yards 215° | 2025-01-09 02:30:55 | |||
SIRENA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ | 167.1 yards 88° | 2025-01-29 11:43:58 | EVER FAITHFUL@@@@@@@ | 190.7 yards 260° | 2025-01-29 05:53:38 | |||
THE CHESAPEAKE@@@@@@ | 198.0 yards 140° | 2025-01-29 11:43:11 | HI-MAP II@@@@@@@@@@@ | 214.1 yards 135° | 2025-01-29 05:35:07 | |||
ABOUT TIME | 237.0 yards 136° | 2025-01-09 06:19:14 | SEA-U | 255.4 yards 244° | 2025-01-01 00:43:49 | |||
CHRISTINA | 297.2 yards 104° | 2025-01-29 08:00:36 | STATUE OF LIBERTY V | 343.1 yards 113° | 2025-01-07 05:54:47 | |||
HORNBLOWER FREEDOM | 352.8 yards 120° | 2025-01-07 09:11:31 | SANTA MARIA@@@@@@@@@ | 354.3 yards 260° | 2025-01-29 11:06:35 | |||
CORNUCOPIA DESTINY | 358.2 yards 277° | 2025-01-26 13:53:43 | BOSS LADY NYC | 449.3 yards 100° | 2025-01-01 03:07:14 | |||
MISS ELLIS ISLAND | 514.9 yards 101° | 2025-01-28 17:39:15 | EMERALD PRINCESS | 0.3 miles 266° | 2025-01-29 11:48:19 |