Commento: | PLDigi U=13.9V. |
Località: | 38°06.75' S 176°12.53' E - locatore RF81CV53BA - mostra mappa 2.7 miles NordOvest direzione 313° da Rotorua, Rotorua District, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand [?] 27.3 miles SudOvest direzione 209° da Maketu, Western Bay of Plenty District, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 29.5 miles Sud direzione 176° da Tauranga, Tauranga City, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand 55.3 miles SudEst direzione 115° da Hamilton, Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand |
Ultima localita': | 2025-02-07 23:25:08 EST (7m fa) 2025-02-08 17:25:08 NZDT orario locale a Rotorua, New Zealand [?] |
Ultima telemetria: | 2025-02-07 23:26:03 EST (6m5s fa) 2025-02-08 17:26:03 NZDT orario locale a Rotorua, New Zealand [?] |
Progetto: | ZL1AOR-3 Telemetry |
Valore: | Vin: 14.250 Volt (TLM: 194 EQN: 0,0.075,-0.30000) Rx1h: 410 Pkt (TLM: 41 EQN: 0,10,0) Dg1h: 120 Pkt (TLM: 12 EQN: 0,10,0) Eff1h: 81 Pcnt (TLM: 81 EQN: 0,1,0) A5: 0 None (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,0,0) |
Bit sense: | O1 O2 O3 O4 I1 I2 I3 I4 (BITS: 11111111) |